A Few Words
About BPPA

Bupendra Prakash
Managing Director
Registered Accountant and Tax Practitioner
Practice Number: 655301
Email: bupen@bppa.co.za
Phone: 083 609 8130
Fax: 086 699 9309
While serving his articles, Bupendra started his part-time studies and successfully obtained a National Diploma in Financial Accounting in 2013. In 2014 he registered with the Institute of Accounting and Commerce (IAC) after passing their qualifying board exams.
For Bupendra, the desire to work with figures started in 1997, when he commenced work as an accounting clerk. Having gained experience at various accounting firms, Bupendra took the big step in February 2016 and opened his own professional financial accounting practice.
As a registered accountant and tax practitioner, Bupendra offers accounting and tax services and company registrations to a variety of businesses ranging from small sole proprietors to larger companies and non-profit organisations all at very competitive rates.
Accounting Services
Accurate Record Keeping Is a Key Component to the Success of Your Business
Exceptional Service
Practical Financial Advice You Can Count on

Request A Consultation
We are a tax accountant that you can rely on. We promise to act professionally, ethically, and willingly look after our clients. Our client’s satisfaction and success are our first priority. We strive to help you achieve your goals by delivering professional work in a timely manner using the tools available and the experience our team provides.